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Suppression Attempts

People ask, "Why would the elite family allow you to post this online?" The truth is, I am currently being banned and censored on many platforms, and my current psychiatrist is trying to have me institutionalized for talking about this online.


Since launching this website and speaking out about my experiences, I have faced repeated suppression. Below is documented evidence of social media censorship, psychiatric manipulation, and institutional efforts to silence my claims. Transparency is key: if this wasn't important, why would they try so hard to erase it?


My current psychiatrist rapidly started trying to build a case against me to have me institutionalized after I began gaining traction online. In my last session, she directly asked whether I was taking medication and wrote in her notes that I am suddenly experiencing a very significant symptom burden today. In reality, my only "symptom" in the session was questioning my diagnosis. She also attempted to probe into the identity and location of my new psychiatrist when I expressed that I was trying to seek out a second opinion, and she asked for the timeframe in which I would be doing this.


My therapist believed my allegations of systemic targeting and psychiatric abuse orchestrated by my sister, and wrote in her session notes that I said I had "finally figured out" that my sister pushed me into the psychiatric system for her own selfish gain and that I was documenting my experience in a book. She commented in session that she supported me, that it must feel very isolating going through this, and that she wanted to read my book.


My psychiatrist said "I read the notes that you had in the last session with your therapist, and it doesn't sound like something a patient on medication would say. Be honest. Are you taking your medication?" and claimed in her notes that I am suddenly having a very heavy symptom burden to try to justify institutionalization.


A few days later, the therapist then completely revised her notes and twisted the narrative to make me sound paranoid and delusional.


If my therapist originally believed me, why would she completely reverse her stance within days? Why did my psychiatrist suddenly push for institutionalization after reading my allegations? Why was the focus on discrediting my words rather than addressing the actual content of my claims? I am exposing this because people need to know how easy it is for medical professionals to fabricate a psychiatric narrative to discredit someone.


My therapist then lied about not editing the notes and left me on read when I pointed out her lie.

Second Psychiatrist:

I explained my situation to an independent psychiatrist and he told me in our session that it is pretty clear that I do not have schizophrenia, as I am well-groomed, rational, and coherent. He agreed that being fired from 8 jobs in a row is very unusual and indicates that something is going on. He promised to send me a written letter summarizing the session. The letter then stated that I exhibit extreme anxiety and psychosis and suggested further evaluation.


Psychiatrists dismiss legitimate claims of harm and use psychiatric labels to undermine the credibility of victims of real phenomena. The mental health system often operates on assumptions rather than investigation, because they are incentivized to profit from assigning mental health diagnoses and writing prescriptions, not finding the truth.

Scripted Damage Control YouTube Comments:

Multiple YouTube comments following the same script claiming that I am hurting and harassing my sister by posting my video and claiming that my video needs to be taken down were posted within a few hours of each other, and already gathered several thumbs up in the span of a few hours. Both accounts were from individuals local to Massachusetts, and both accounts had signed an online petition for harsher involuntary commitment laws for schizophrenics, which my sister (Bridget) also commented on. I believe these two individuals are connected to my sister.

If you can't beat them, join them:

The online petition they were all signing:

My sister Bridget wrote a Munchausen by proxy comment about my schizophrenia diagnosis on an online petition pushing for harsher involuntary commitment laws:

The female commenter, Laura Balboni Craciun, has an Instagram account where they are constantly pushing for stronger mental health laws to deal with schizophrenics because of "lack of insight into their illness" and stronger involuntary commitment laws for "loved ones that are released too early from the hospital while still sick, paranoid, and delusional." 


I believe she has another agenda: she is doing this because she wants to remove the rights of people in my situation.


She claims that her own son developed schizoaffective disorder after using cannabis and suffers from lack of insight into his illness, and wrote that she tried to hospitalize him 20 times, but judges, lawyers, and medical professionals just don't understand how sick her son truly is. She displays the same Munchausen by proxy traits toward her son that my sister did when discussing my own schizophrenia diagnosis, and it is possible that she is forcing her son into the mental health system against his will based on a false psychiatric label. I believe she attacked my YouTube video because my story exposes her behavior. This only shows that my case is extremely important because it exposes a system that enables this abuse.


There are definitely real schizophrenics in society that need help, but people like me in my situation are taking away mental health resources from them, and our lives are being destroyed instead of helped by the system.


Superficially, systemic targeting looks very similar to schizophrenia, which is how it is kept a secret. I strongly believe that this is a tool of control by elite and powerful people to falsely label people in my situation with schizophrenia to remove their rights and control them and erase them from society, but it is disguised as "concern and care for loved ones who suffer from mental illness and lack of insight into their illness." Just look at my story. I have no job opportunities, I have a false diagnosis that removes my credibility, and I am vulnerable to being institutionalized if they want to silence me and control me. 


My threads get removed and I get banned within minutes. I appealed the ban asking whether I was allowed to talk about this topic at all. They denied my ban appeal without any explanation.

People tried reposting my link in another thread to make fun of me because they thought I'm delusional, but their thread got quickly removed as well.


Supportive comments were deleted from the thread along with the accounts of the people who had posted them.

After my post gained traction, I was banned from posting on that subreddit with no reason given.

My post got removed from a schizophrenia community for "questionable activity."


I got banned for no apparent reason minutes after posting a thread discussing my situation to the News, Views, and Gossip section.

I made a new account with a VPN and put my thread in the Politics and Society section. I was banned a few minutes later once again for no apparent reason.

I got banned by the site administrator for making a thread about the topic.

Effective Altruism Forum:

I got banned by the site administrator for making a thread about the topic.

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