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Historical Examples

Ted Gunderson, Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles Federal Bureau of Investigation, openly confirmed the existence of gang stalking in a 2011 affidavit.

Historical Examples of Government Covert Operations & Psychological Manipulation

  1. COINTELPRO (1956–1971)

    • A covert FBI program designed to infiltrate, disrupt, and discredit civil rights leaders, activists, journalists, and political dissidents such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and the Black Panther Party.

    • The FBI used psychological warfare, planted false evidence, and spread disinformation.

  2. MKUltra (1953–1973)

    • A CIA mind-control program that conducted unethical experiments on unsuspecting individuals.

    • Included forced drugging with LSD, hypnosis, and other psychological torture techniques.

    • Victims included prisoners, mental patients, and ordinary citizens.

  3. Operation Mockingbird (1940s–1970s)

    • A CIA program that infiltrated mainstream media to manipulate news narratives.

    • Journalists at major outlets were secretly working for the CIA to control public perception.

    • The goal was to spread propaganda and suppress inconvenient truths.

  4. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932–1972)

    • A secret U.S. Public Health Service experiment and study in which Black men with syphilis were deliberately left untreated to study the disease’s effects.

    • The victims were lied to and denied treatment for decades.

  5. Zersetzung (1970s-1980s)

    • A psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany that served to combat alleged and actual dissidents through covert means, using secret methods of abusive control and psychological manipulation to prevent anti-government activities. Zersetzung methods were designed to break down, undermine, and paralyze people behind "a facade of social normality"in a form of "silent repression."

    • Up to 10,000 individuals are estimated to have become victims, 5,000 of whom sustained irreversible damage.


Historical Examples of Psychiatric Abuse and Weaponization of Mental Health Diagnoses

  1. The Martha Mitchell Effect (1970s)

    • Martha Mitchell, wife of Nixon’s Attorney General, discovered Watergate-related crimes and tried to expose them.

    • Instead of being taken seriously, she was labeled delusional and forcibly drugged.

    • Years later, it was revealed she was telling the truth all along.

  2. Soviet Psychiatric Abuse (1950s–1980s)

    • The USSR weaponized psychiatry to silence political dissidents.

    • People who spoke against the government were declared mentally ill and placed in asylums.

    • Many were forcefully medicated, subjected to electroshock therapy, and permanently institutionalized.

  3. The Rosenhan Experiment (1973)

    • A study in which researchers faked psychiatric symptoms to see if hospitals could tell the difference between real and fake mental illness.

    • None of the hospitals detected the deception, exposing how unreliable psychiatric diagnoses can be.

  4. Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard (1860s)

    • Institutionalized by her husband for holding different religious beliefs.

    • At the time, men could have their wives committed without evidence of mental illness.

    • She fought for legal reforms that gave people more rights against wrongful institutionalization.

  5. Gustl Mollath (2006)

    • He was committed to a high-security psychiatric hospital after being declared insane with paranoid personality disorder.

    • His supposed delusions regarding money-laundering activities at a major bank were later found to be true. Mollath claimed that there was a conspiracy to have him locked up in a psychiatric ward because of his incriminating knowledge, and that he was being persecuted for being a whistleblower on tax evasion.

If someone's life was being deliberately sabotaged through a covert operation and they were given a schizophrenia diagnosis to discredit them, what evidence would convince you of the truth?

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