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What is this website about?This website documents my real-life experience of systemic targeting, psychiatric abuse, and reputation sabotage coinciding with my sister's efforts to marry into an elite family. I provide evidence, analysis, and firsthand accounts to expose how money and influence can be used to silence individuals deemed a threat to powerful families.
Who are you?I am Lily Yang, a college-educated graduate of Boston Latin School and UMass Amherst. I was on a successful career path until 2022, when my life was systematically dismantled through job terminations, reputation sabotage, and psychiatric coercion.
What is systemic targeting?Systemic targeting refers to a coordinated effort to sabotage someone’s credibility, opportunities, and autonomy through job terminations, psychiatric labeling, social ostracization, and institutional blacklisting. It is used as a control mechanism by wealthy and powerful families, corporations, and institutions. Victims of this phenomenon face repeated job terminations under vague or arbitrary justifications, psychiatric misdiagnoses such as schizophrenia to undermine their credibility, and the deliberate spread of false rumors in workplaces and communities to ensure their isolation, remove their rights, and erase them from society. This form of covert suppression remains largely undocumented, allowing it to persist without mainstream recognition.
Is systemic targeting related to gang stalking and targeted individuals?Yes, they are synonymous. I have tried to avoid using those terms because of the skepticism that they elicit from the general public, though. It is a massive global covert torture program employing unethical psychological tactics, and the scale and secrecy of this will absolutely shock you to your core. Many have died from suicide because no one believed them. Hundreds of thousands of people are victims of this. No, it is not a mental health illness or schizophrenia. That is the smear campaign that is used to cover up the crime. It is packaged to make victims sound crazy. They use corrupt psychiatrists, intelligence operatives, police, private security, and civilians in the neighborhood to stalk and harass innocent people to death.
What proof do you have?I have extensive documentation, including: Job termination emails and texts Psychiatric records proving external coercion and misdiagnosis Texts from my sister and her fiancé dismissing my concerns Proof that every attempt I made to rebuild my life was obstructed You can find my video on the Video Proof page of my website.
Why would your sister do this to you?My sister was desperate to secure a marriage into an elite nine-figure family that had been rejecting her for years. I believe I was scapegoated as part of a loyalty test, an attempt to prove her commitment to the family. After my life changed suddenly in 2022, she was quickly embraced by their family and is now planning her engagement and starting a family.
Who is the elite family you are referring to?The elite family at the center of this story is a nine-figure family based in Massachusetts known for their multigenerational influence in the furniture industry. They own a luxury furniture chain with showrooms across the Northeast. They are major donors to Tufts University, where my sister and her elite boyfriend first met in 2016. This family holds substantial power within financial institutions, and my sister’s fiancé, now a portfolio manager and analyst, previously worked at a world-renowned asset management firm. Their extreme wealth and influence allow them to manipulate social, financial, and legal structures to their advantage.
Why exactly were you institutionalized?I was forcibly pushed into psychiatric treatment by my sister and her elite boyfriend under false pretenses in October 2023. My sister manipulated the psychiatrist to make it appear that I needed mental help when, in reality, my only “symptom” was questioning what exactly was happening to me. The psychiatrist who issued the diagnosis abruptly quit the position without notice a few days later. Once I was diagnosed, the psychiatric system became a tool to gaslight me and discredit my claims, a common tactic historically used by powerful figures to silence inconvenient individuals.
Aren't you just a delusional schizophrenic?No. I was misdiagnosed as part of a larger effort to discredit me. The psychiatric diagnosis was weaponized to erase my credibility and make it easier for others to ignore my story. I am currently seeking an independent evaluation to correct my psychiatric records.
What do you want to achieve by going public and putting this on the Internet?I want to expose this extreme human rights violation and show how psychiatry, social engineering, and institutional power can be weaponized against innocent individuals. This needs to stop immediately. It ruined my life. It is unethical and reprehensible, but it is disguised as "concern and care for mentally ill people." I am also documenting my experience online and in a book to make sure this story cannot be buried or forgotten, and to ensure that this cannot happen to others in the future. It only persists because it is not a widely recognized phenomenon. Exposure will lead to action, and that is why I came forward and shared my case.
Why should people believe you?Because I have proof to accompany my testimony. Unlike conspiracy theories or baseless accusations, my case is backed by written records and documented patterns. I encourage people to take a look at my evidence for themselves rather than blindly trusting the system’s version of events.
Why don’t you just move on and rebuild your life?I have tried multiple times, including relocating thousands of miles away across the nation, but every attempt to regain employment or stability has been obstructed. This is not an issue of simply moving on. Rather, it is about exposing a system that actively prevents individuals from reclaiming their autonomy.
Aren’t you afraid of retaliation?Yes, but staying silent is not an option. The more traction and visibility my story gets, the harder retaliation becomes without public suspicion. If anything happens to me, it will be clear why and will only strengthen my claims.
How can I help?Thank you in advance. Buy my book on Amazon and spread it. Share my story to help prevent censorship. Download and archive my evidence in case my posts are taken down. If you have legal expertise, media contacts, or investigative resources, please reach out to:
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